Mason Jar Salads!

                      Salads are great for lunch , dinner or  as a side dish but it gets boring eating just plain old dinner salad. If you are dieting salad can get very old very fast but now thanks this idea of…

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Whey Boosts Weight Loss Regardless of Calories (Not Soy)

  Whey protein is not only superior to soy for trimming down, but may help maintain or even promote weight loss regardless of intake of calories. Protein has long been associated with increased satiety, thereby improving weight loss and promoting adherence to difficult, otherwise hunger-inducing diets. While protein may keep you…

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Thyroid drug increases risk of bone fractures in women

            by: Reuben Claxton (NaturalNews) Hypothyroidism is a fairly common disorder, caused by low levels of thyroid hormones. With the availability of either natural hormones taken from animals, or synthetic hormones (levothyroxine), doctors now treat the disorder by replacing the missing thyroid hormones. A recent…

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Overcome diabetic circulation issues

                Thursday, May 19, 2011 by: Derrell Jones See all articles by this author Email this author (NaturalNews) Along with diabetes may come many potential complications that include blindness, heart disease and kidney failure. In addition to these complications, amputations are a devastating…

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