Thursday, May 19, 2011 by: Derrell Jones
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Diabetics have a hard time getting oxygen delivered to the extremities. This is because red blood cell metabolic rates in diabetics tend to be diminished. The result is less production of a key molecule called 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate, which stimulates red blood cells to deliver oxygen. That is where ozone comes in. Ozone is a more reactive form of oxygen that simulates the production of 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate. Increased efficiency in circulation and oxygen delivery can be observed as more 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate is produced. Ozone also assists in increasing cellular metabolism. Ozonation is a valuable resource when considering natural, alternative treatments for diabetes.
The benefits of exercise on overall health cannot be stated often enough. Our “sluggish” cultural mindset has had negative consequences on our health. For diabetics a lack of exercise can be at first debilitating and then deadly. Exercise, much like ozonation, oxygenates the blood and improves circulation. The heart itself becomes more fit with regular exertion which strengthens cardiac muscle. The stronger cardiac muscle pumps blood more efficiently. Also, the muscles of the body require more oxygen during exercise. The increased demand for oxygen tones and strengthens capillaries over time. Oxygen becomes more available due to the toned capillaries and improved circulation is achieved. Aerobic exercise and strength training at least 4 to 5 times per week is the order for better circulatory health. Of course, consulting with a healthcare practitioner is advisable before starting any exercise regimen.
If proper circulation is a problem, for you or a loved one, do your research and seek professional guidance. After all, circulation is literally about life and limb.
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