Category: Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit
Pomegranate – From Aphrodisiac to Cancer Buster
The Manifester
Proper potassium balance essential to healthy blood pressure and reduced heart attack risk
Could grief be causing your chronic illness?
by: Larry Malerba, DO (NaturalNews) Aside from the many self-inflicted and medically induced causes of illness such as smoking, poor nutrition, alcohol and drug abuse, pharmaceutical side effects, allopathic suppression, and surgeries gone awry, perhaps the most common “natural” cause of chronic illness is unresolved grief.…
Lifestyle movement is more important than exercising
Pomegranate – From Aphrodisiac to Cancer Buster
The Manifester
Proper potassium balance essential to healthy blood pressure and reduced heart attack risk
Could grief be causing your chronic illness?

by: Larry Malerba, DO (NaturalNews) Aside from the many self-inflicted and medically induced causes of illness such as smoking, poor nutrition, alcohol and drug abuse, pharmaceutical side effects, allopathic suppression, and surgeries gone awry, perhaps the most common “natural” cause of chronic illness is unresolved grief.…